Robert Slatkoff Camera Art

Angela Songui

May 12, 2022

Robert Slatkoff Camera Art

In early 2020, Canadian camera artist Robert Slatkoff was excitedly preparing works for his first Montreal-based gallery show since 2010 at Galerie ERGA …and then, well you’re familiar with the tale by now. Robert’s hopes for an exhibition would be lifted, then dashed again in 2021 on the crest of Covid’s third ‘wave’. With his personal resources exhausted on two non-starters, we are asking today for your help to realize this exhibition of Robert Slatkoff’s new artwork , this time in MAY 2022 and still supported at Galerie ERGA. 


How did I first get my work out into the world ?

After being turned down at a gallery in Montreal in 1978 I was commiserating with a fellow        artist who told me “ Robert , go higher”. I said Really ? He replied – do it! I knocked on the door of Gallery Marlborough Godard and when a woman asked me what I wanted I said I would like to show  my portfolio. She replied “You know we don’t show photographs” but if you like I can show your work to the owner. That was it ! She liked my work, offered me a show and paid for the framing! I was thrilled. Later I had a show with their Toronto gallery as well AND the owner bought one of my works. All that gave me the confidence to continue . Today I want to go beyond the physical gallery world and leap into digital space to reach as many people as I can. See my new website

Conversations with Robert Slatkoff | Interview by Angela Songui

Where do I find my images?

My finished pieces are not single photographs. I love to go hunting for material on the underside of fishing boats out of water for repair in the Magdeleine Islands and in the back alleys of the “ Plateau “in Montreal. I leave myself completely open to an emotional response to anything I see and take the picture . No definite plan yet. When home on my computer I blend elements from different images to create a satisfying composition. With some luck and plenty of surprises  I finish with an abstract landscape.


The impact of Covid-19 on the Arts has been devastating – arguably with artists taking the brunt of this devastation financially and expressively. Facing an uncertain future is nothing new for creatives so, at 83 years of age, Slatkoff is again venturing forth to the Gallery because he believes in the importance of sharing and communicating creative expression. So do we.

With his undeniably unique approach to photography and composition, Slatkoff’s vision takes our everyday surroundings into the realm of the fantastic and deep, penetrative looking. His works have been praised and acquired by national museums and the most discerning of private collectors.

Our incentive to you for support, you might ask? Well, aside from knowing what a lovely person you are (and you really are!), each donor will have an opportunity to OWN a Slatkoff with our lucky winner announced at a ‘live’/online drawing event during the exhibition run. You could put a Slatkoff on your wall.

Angela Songui

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